Monday, June 29, 2009

Lost a friend?

Search for them here!

Comment on this page with:

1. Date and time of conversation.
2. Name or Alias.
3. What you guys talked about.
4. Basic Contact information.

*Here's a tip: Use CTRL + F (control+FIND) and type in key information to search for your lost stranger through the comments.

Good luck.


  1. 1. 12AM PDT. Monday, 29 June.
    2. None used.
    3. She's from CA and liked Pinkberry Fro Yo and we chatted about music and bands and stuff.

  2. 1. 25th ~ 26th June.
    2. scu
    3. he said he loves moonparty and he's studying about design, he likes my cool character.

  3. 1. 30th of June.
    2. My name is Drew, your name is Julia.
    3. Everything, but not limited to sleeping bags and Gilmore Girls.

  4. beth - 18 - england (goofy cake pics)
    comment here if u wanna chat.

  5. 1. 16th July
    2. My name is Joao, your is Nicky.
    3. Everithing really.. Potugal mainly.

    I've lost your email :S sorry. please say something. really liked to talk with you

  6. 1. 23rd July
    2. Don't know - Stranger was from Singapore
    3. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paris, London, Vienna, languages...

  7. 1. Sunday 9 August
    2. Female from College Station, Texas
    3. Sean Connery, the Communist Party T-shirts and Classical music. In a sense.

  8. Missed connection:
    Me, an 18 year old male in Quebec; you an 18 year old female in Ohio. We talked about N*Sync, backstreet boys, pokemon, power rangers, dr. house.

    If you see this, please contact me.
    japego [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. 1.satuday 10th of october, but it was late friday night for you.
    2.female, from north america im guessing. Im a 17 yr old male.
    3. We both talked about how much our lives sucked and the lack of our social lives. i acidently pressed backspace when the typing box wasnt selected so i went back page.
    4. slimed (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Wednesday november 4th, around 10.30pm in the netherlands (here > GMT+1) so probably around 4pm in the usa
    I'm Lucinda, 17, from the netherlands. His name was Chris, 19, from the usa.
    We talked about favorite music and movies, his favorite movie of all time was the Shawshank Redemption. We both liked movies that just had a good story, and he really liked old movies. The same with music, as long as it's good, we like it.
    We also talked about what we were thinking, and he said 'how good it'd feel to go to sleep' and I said something like if I'd ever find love.
    The last thing he said was: I'll tell you what, this is my email (...) if you want to send me an email or talk on msn. If not, I wish you the best of luck.
    And when I read that, for some reason, Internet sent me back to Google so I didn't have time to copy the address..

  11. 1. Monday December 21, from 0:51 to 2:42 for me, and she said "It's midday here"
    2. None.
    3. I'm a 14 year old girl from Belgium. She's a 15 year old girl from New Zealand.
    We started talking about how we hated cleaning. We then talked about food. I told her I was a vegetarian. We then moved about French, I did told her a couple of things about the genders and everything.. We then talked about how Belgium works with the communities problems. We then talked about our schools. She was about to tell me something about the number of students in her school, and my internet died on me ;_;"""

  12. Looking for a boy that was from spain, he was 19 and his name was Pablo.
    we talked on 28th january 2012 at around 12:00 , my computer crashed and I still wanted to talk to you because I liked you alot!:( my name's Lena, please contact me baby -

  13. Looking for John.


    Mountaintops and the Golden Rule. -- Emily

  14. July 2, 2012 It was around 2-3 AM
    He was 19 years old from Ohio. We talked about how my school is tiny and his was big and how college is better than high school. We also talked about white water rafting and how I played piano and swam. He also said he tried to teach himself how to play piano and that I should learn to play the maple leaf ragtime.

  15. June 5th, 2015. It was around 10am for me and 3 am for him.
    He was 19 years old from Texas. His name was Loi and we talked about bears and pizza. He had a pizza necklace around his neck. Please help me find him my computer overheated and shut down

  16. 4th March 2019... This All Happened On Omegle Text Mode..
    Her name was 'Karis' and she was 16 years old
    It was like 9.38 PM for her... She is from Northside Of Canada... We talked for like straight Half an Hour... She was the first girl I met on Omegle... She Had Blue Eyes And Blonde Hair... She Is 5'6 (+3 quarters) tall... I Just Want Her As My Friend And Nothin' Else... I Don't How We Got Disconnected... P.S She Was Working on her math project that day..(On Quadratics... Std 10th)
    Please HELP Me Find Her...!!!
